POT :: Plant Opera
--> Team

Tree Opera

Longevity Festival

Strasbourg, France 28.08-1.09.2019

Trees are the elephants of plant world. They keep the secrets of generations and epochs. They have their obvious personalities and identifications, complicated rela-tionships.At Longevity electronic fes-tival we proposed public to go on “speed dating” with the trees. You can choose your “the one and only”, get in comfortable seat in front of your interlocutor and with noise cancelling headphones get immersed in his plant world. He/she will sing for you reacting on your exchange, try to speak in its own way and show some of his artworks.Strasbourg.

Plants have about 20-30 senses, we officially only 5(6). Replac-ing these human stimulus with correlating sensors, we anthro-pomorphizing them and translate them into languages that we understand (sound, text, images).Fully created by plant opera team system is almost merging with the plant body, becoming it’s extension.We take raw data and give it readable/visible/audible form.The rest is in spectator’s/performer hands. The plant will re-act, try to communicate some feelings and sensations.The most curious signal we use is the electric signal, that is a totality and reflection of all bioprocesses of the plant. It is something that is not only speaking of environment or gives extremely slowly-developing message, but is coming from inside of the plant and has no clear control and explanation.
It’s electronic soul.

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